Pack it Up!
Posted on December 12, 2019 in Rails And Veils
Pack it Up!
When packing and gathering all your décor, attire, etc. for your wedding, what about your honeymoon?
Are you going to wake up the morning after your wedding day and jump on a flight to a tropical island or jump the pond to Paris or Ireland? If you answered yes to this, than you will want to think ahead and pack accordingly. You will want to pack a suite case for your trip that is loaded in the car and ready to go. The only items that you will want to add to this bag would be your personal items.Even if you aren’t leaving until Monday – Pack your bag prior to your wedding day and have it ready to go. The last thing that you will want to do when you are home from your wedding is unpack and pack again. Think ahead to ensure you start your honeymoon off right – without stress!
~RR Wedding Team
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